New Feature: Topic Bumping

Product Dork is still a very small community. We have a handful of regular users that post and comment (love y’all). However, the vast majority of this site’s visitors people just passing by.

With the few active people here I’ve been told that the front page can sometimes get stale. To try and combat that I’m enabling a feature called “Bump Topic.” This means that there will be some older topics bumped to the front of the page. Even if they don’t have any recent activity.

The following categories will have one topic bumped daily:

The topic cannot be closed, hidden, empty, archived, solved or pinned.

Would love feedback on this. Hope y’all enjoy it!

For example, you can see the Lofree Bluetooth speaker post was just bumped.

While I like the idea, I wonder how helpful this will actually be? For example your review of the Moto G5 got bumped to the front page this morning. Isn’t Motorola on the G7 or something like that?

That’s a fair point. Although maybe there is some interesting commentary that might come from it? For example I’d still recommend the Moto G line to anyone who wants a quality android phone under $300.

FWIW, I like this idea. It allows some additional commentary on older posts. For reviews in particular, it’s a reminder to follow-up about how the products have been holding up.

Also, I like that there’s some new content every time I come back. Like Sam said, this forum is fairly small.

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One thing I can see as a potential issue is some of the shallower categories getting bumped a ton. I’m not ready to change anything, but it’s still something to be aware of.

Are only open questions bumped? If so, I wonder whether they should continue to be bumped?

Huh, I think you’re right. Let’s see if I can either change that.

If not, I might have to disable it for questions. There are only a handful that haven’t been marked solved.

Doesn’t look like I can do that. I’ll remove #questions from the bump list for now.

Did this get accidentally disabled or did you get sick of it yet? :wink:

Haha, yeah. I turned the feature off.

Some categories don’t have enough—or relevant enough—topics. Then the whole first page was #finds. I think it could be cool in the future. I am disabling it for now though.

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